The Confessions Of A Sticky Note Addict…

So, here is my quite extensive collection of sticky notes, that being said, I personally didn’t buy them all, some had been given as gifts as well as being given some loose sheets from pen-pals!  I’m often asked over IG where I get my sticky notes from, so I figured I should just share here with everyone all at once and in more detail than I can in a caption!

Now that I look at these, I see that actually, there are a few sets missing... OOPS
Now that I look at these, I see that actually, there are a few sets missing… OOPS

Like all stationery lovers in the UK, my main port of call for anything stationery is Paperchase (worldwide shipping too, woohoo!). You’d actually be surprised at how many different shops sell the odd pack of sticky notes here and there! The florescent sticky note set was from IKEA, which I didn’t even know sold stationery!

Anyway, onto my most favourite set of sticky notes!

4 for $5? Don't mind if I do!
4 for $5? Don’t mind if I do!

Just look at those cuties! (I have a slight alpaca problem, too) These were purchased from the lovely @my_ricci on Instagram. Free worldwide shipping from Hong Kong! At first I admit I was a little sceptical because shipping from HK is either reeeally slow or super fast! Thankfully it was super fast and all orders arrive in just over a week of being shipped! Whenever I have money, Joey’s Instagram shop is usually the first place I head to before my beloved paperchase!

As well as Paperchase, Waterstones is a very good place for all things stationery, but that said, it is on the higher end price wise! Making a point of checking card shops (Clintons, Card Factory)  is a good start to sticky note shopping, as I found this baby in a Carte Blanche shop (aka the tatty teddy company). It was also half price so that was a double bonus and I couldn’t say no! (They can also be found here!!!)

Gemma Correll sticky notes ftw!!

 Ebay and Etsy are also really good for finding super cute sticky-notes from places like Hong Kong, Korea & China. Again, shipping can take a little longer from these places depending on the time of year, but you often get them for a much cheaper price buying the same kind of thing in the UK!

Occasionally, even charity shops sell bits of stationery! (I’m yet to see sticky notes, but I did bag some pre-paid airmail envelopes and a few bags of stamps!)

Sometimes, I don’t even really know why I buy these; I mean sure, need them to spice up the Filofax or even for snail-mail! I tend to just get all over excited when I see sticky notes and chuck them in my basket, to then get home and realise how many sticky notes I do actually have already… Oops.

Are you just as bad with sticky notes? Or are you more of a washi tape kind of gal? (stay tuned for a post on my washi tape collection and how I like to use it!)




5 thoughts on “The Confessions Of A Sticky Note Addict…

  1. Nice to see a fellow sticky note Addict! Absolutely love the kumamon ones! (so jealous! ) And omg those pug ones are just ❤ Thank you for sharing! 🙂 Oh btw, I keep seeing people having penpals everywhere? Where do you guys find these penpals? 🙂 I'm really curious!


  2. I love washi and sticky notes, Paperchase is great but I get most of my stationery in Japan from LOFT (they usually have a whole floor dedicated to stickers, washi masking tape etc…) I see you have some kumamon he’s so popular in Japan right now. I have lots and can’t use all of them but I’m kind of addicted. ^^ I use them in letter but it’s a shame so few people write real letters now so I send them but rarely receive them.


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